EPISODE #54: History of FASD

We've known about FASD since the 1600's - What????

Why are we still so confused about this largely preventable condition? Listen in to hear why we continue to get so many mixed messages and how we can contribute directly to healthier pregnancies, people and communities by bringing this conversation home to our own kitchen tables.

Here's an article from Australia that shares 50 Things Your Should Know About FASD.

Our Canadian Guidelines for safe drinking has changed, so the website is being revamped. In the meantime, you can review an American version for consideration that helps to clarify standard drink size and when we may be concerned about our drinking etc.  

I also encourage you to read A Brief History of Awareness which explains the link between Alcohol and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Thanks so much.

Please share this podcast with those in your circle and community who would benefit from these important Kitchen Table Conversations. Your support means the world to us.


EPISODE #55: Highlighting Some Important Things We ALL Should Know About FASD


EPISODE #53: When We Know Better We Can Do Better