Linking music and social work in more ways than one!
Song written by Jamie Warren, and Carrie DeMaeyer, 2010.
Open a Window is a song written and performed by award winning Canadian Country music artist, Jamie Warren who also happens to be Angela’s partner in love and in life.
Although Angela is relatively new to the country music family, she has often said that musicians are also helpers in mental health in many ways. (She also acknowledges that we need to hear more country songs that don’t have alcohol as the main focus… but that is for another day…)
This song was written with the intention to share a message about living and loving someone through a mental illness. It’s a beautiful song that helps to reduce stigma, nurture a sense of belonging and leaves you with a feeling that everything is going to be o.k. It also helps to highlight the impulsivity and vulnerabilities that area part of many peoples day-to-day.
Turns out… mental illness occurs with 90% of those diagnosed with FASD and many people with FASD have been misdiagnosed with multiple mental health diagnosis before prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) has been considered. This song and the specific mention of extreme and unpredictable emotional outbursts and dangerous behaviour can often be more related to FASD than mental health alone, so we are sharing this song to spark conversation, in our ongoing effort to reduce both the impact and the incidents of prenatal alcohol exposure.
It’s up to all of us to support healthy pregnancies and families. We can do this by having more kitchen table conversations about the risks, the prevalence rates, and what effects that prenatal alcohol have on a person and family across the lifespan.
FASD is a part of all our circles. Please share this PSA and song amongst yours.
FASD Public Service Announcement 2022