Women's Wellness Workshop

Relax, restore, rejuvenate.

WHEN | Sunday, August 7th 10-4 pm (registration closed)

WHERE | 15 St. Catherines St. St. Thomas, ON

COST | $225.00/person

Whole food snacks, water and tea will be provided.

Space is limited to 8 participants.

You are invited to reconnect to the mind, body, and soul by ‘ACTively’ applying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy through activities/exercises and yoga practices. The Women's Wellness Workshop is an opportunity to de-stress and defuse unhelpful thoughts, emotions, behaviours and realign with our values through being present, acceptance, and psychological flexibility.

Angela Geddes and Linda Carmichael are both Registered Social Workers and Yoga Teachers in Ontario. Facilitating these kinds of wellness workshops that have been found to be quite transformative for participants and for us as well! Within this program, we are using best practices that aim to improve our mental health. Therefore, employment benefits for MSW services may apply.

Registration is now closed.


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