EPISODE #15: Keeping the Prevention Conversation Going

Everyday I am reminded of how important my work is, and how we need to keep prevention conversations going. This week, we offered some training to Crisis Mental Health workers and police officers who were very curious about how best to support people with complicated and beautiful brains in a crisis.

The training always includes stats for context and the conversation around alcohol use and pregnancy. There are always people in the room who express concerns regarding their own alcohol use during pregnancy, maybe an unplanned pregnancy and the frequent incorrect and mixed messaging that they hear from medical and social service providers and the media about alcohol use. With the holidays coming up, we thought we would keep the conversation going around some of the risks of alcohol use overall and, in particular, share how to support pregnancies to be as healthy as they can be.



EPISODE #16: Parenting Complex Kids with Safety and Dignity


EPISODE #14: Keeping Our Brains Healthy