EPISODE #44: Challenging Our Biases Around People Who Don't 'Work'

Using music as a medium, this episode challenges the listener to bring this discussion back to our kitchen tables to explore the unique challenges that people with hidden disabilities experience. People do want to work; and they do work very hard... But there are many times when this is impossible within our communities. We can do better, and when more people understand why some people don't work, we will judge less harshly and build more inclusive communities that allow more to contribute in good ways. 

Pink said it best when she said, "you wanna talk about hard work... building a bed out of a cardboard box is hard work..."  

There are other thoughts that sometimes perpetuate our negative biases and harsh judgements.  Have a listen and take these chats back to your tables.



EPISODE #45: Everything is Temporary… Let's Breathe


EPISODE #43: Great News! Canada Now has a Disability Benefit!