EPISODE #9: The World Begins at the Kitchen Table
Inspired by a poem written by Joy Harjo, The World Begins at the Kitchen Table, which was recently shared with me, I reflect personally with gratitude at the many days spent at my kitchen table. I'm also aware that many people have not had the same experiences. For those of us who are called upon for support or assistance, whether that be with family members and friends and/or for those of us who work in the system, that's something we all need to remember. The most important thing we can all do is to build relationships with the people that we walk alongside.
Poem by Joy Harjo | The World Begins at the Kitchen Table
Poem shared by @fasdandalcoholfree
Resource | Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Information for Family & Friends
Resource | Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder: Information for Family & Friends
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